Republished March 18, 2008 (first published January
23, 2008) (David
Cloud, Fundamental Baptist Information Service, P.O.
Box 610368, Port
Huron, MI 48061, 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org; for
about subscribing and unsubscribing or changing
addresses, see the
information paragraph at the end of the article) -
We are pleased to announce the publication of the book
and the
separate video presentation entitled DRESSING FOR THE
One reader said: "I finished reading 'Dressing for the
Lord' this
morning, and Sir, you have hit the nail right on the
head! This is
the best and most comprehensive work I've ever seen on
the dress
issue; praise God! The book is super and really needs
to be read by
Christian men and women the world over."
There was a time, just a few years ago, when a message
like the one
contained in this book was heard from fundamentalist
and independent
Baptist pulpits across the world, but that is no
longer the case. All
too often, any kind of preaching about clothing has
become an oddity,
an embarrassment, or a type of "legalism." The
resistance of the rock
& roll culture to such preaching is so pervasive that
many pastors
have decided to ignore the matter of dress, thus the
battle is lost
simply because the ground is abandoned. Yet if ever
there ever were a
time when preachers need to warn their people about
clothing issues,
it is today. Modern society is drenched with
indecency. A Vogue
fashion show would make ancient Corinth blush.
To lay a solid Bible foundation for modesty, we give a
exegesis of about 25 key Bible passages from Genesis
to 1 John, and
from these Scriptures we develop Bible principles that
can be applied
to any nation or culture.
The chapter titles include "The Origin of Clothing,
"Clothing Is a
Language," "The Captains of the Fashion Industry,"
"Isn't This
Basically the Man's Problem?" "Bible Guidelines for
Clothing," "A
Study on Biblical Modesty," "Worldliness and the
Christian's Dress,"
"Pants and the Christian Woman," "Pushing the Edge on
Standards," Questions Answered on the Issue of
Christian Dress,"
"Testimonies from Christian Women on the Issue of
Modest Dress,"
"Survey of Men on the Subject of Women's Dress," and
"Sources for
Ready-made Modest Clothing."
The section on "QUESTIONS ANSWERED" deals with 36
common challenges,
such as "Since God looks on the heart, why be so
concerned about
appearance?" "Men are going to sin anyway, so what is
the big deal?"
"Shouldn't we just teach the Bible and let the Holy
Spirit deal with
this issue?" "I believe dress standards just produce
pride and
hypocrisy"; "As an older woman I don't think the
modesty issue is
very significant for me"; "God is the business of
changing hearts,
which is more important than dress"; "I am not
personally convicted
about dressing the way you describe"; "Should women
only wear drab
sack dresses?" "I wear pants because there are many
things I can't do
in a dress"; "In Bible times both men and women wore
robes"; "I only
wear feminine pants"; "Preachers that preach against
pants are
mean-spirited and just want to dictate"; "Wearing
dresses is
old-fashioned and we should not be weird"; "Those who
preach against
pants on women are legalistic"; "Some pants are more
modest than some
dresses"; "What about the issue of modesty in other
cultures?" "What
about tattoos and piercings?" "Isn't the sincerity of
the heart the
important thing?"
"I think it is tremendous. Looking forward to seeing
this published!"
(Don Williams of the Hephzibah House)
The two-hour DVD video presentation is based on the
book. The
messages were recorded in July 2007, at Knobs Hill
Baptist Church in
Tower Hill, Illinois. Brian Snider, who has created
all of our DVD
presentations, has done a truly masterly job with this
new one.
A multiplicity of photographs of individuals, books,
and video clips
are professionally mixed into this high-quality
presentation to
illustrate the message. (There are no pictures that
are in any way
immodest in the video presentation, and it is suitable
for showing in
churches to mixed audiences of all ages.)
THE DVD IS $19.95
U.S.A.-CANADA--15% ($4.00 minimum)
FOREIGN--To be computed at the time of order
Payment must accompany order.
"I received 'Dressing for the Lord' and it is
fantastic! I am so
thankful that you wrote it. There are many helpful
suggestions in it
and truths that I had never thought of before. Once
again, thank you
for upholding the Word of God and for preaching the
whole counsel of
God. You have presented God's truth in a very gracious
PAYMENT: Payment can be made by check from the U.S. or
Canada and
mailed to Way of Life at either the Stateside or the
Canada address.
Make the checks payable to Way of Life Literature.
Payment can also
be made with credit card by phone, fax, or e-mail.
When making
payment by e-mail, it is best to send the credit card
information in
two separate e-mails. Most of the materials can be
ordered online at
http:/wayoflife.org/catalog/catalog.htm, though we are
not always
able to add the latest titles in a timely fashion due
to the fact
that our webmaster in Singapore is a full-time pastor
and is very
busy. PAYPAL payments can be
made to
RETURN POLICY: Please note that there is no refund
available on the
materials. Defective items may be returned for a
replacement copy
within 30 days of purchase.
PLEASE BE PATIENT WITH US: We are a small church-based
ministry. We
do our very best to get the orders out quickly and
efficiently, but
we cannot provide the instant service that large
publishers offer. We, therefore, thank you beforehand
for your
patience and Christian grace. (If you need an order to
be shipped by
express post, we can usually provide this service at
extra cost.)
Só use as duas Bíblias traduzidas rigorosamente por equivalência formal a partir do Textus Receptus (que é a exata impressão das palavras perfeitamente inspiradas e preservadas por Deus), dignas herdeiras das KJB-1611, Almeida-1681, etc.: a ACF-2011 (Almeida Corrigida Fiel) e a LTT (Literal do Texto Tradicional), que v. pode ler e obter em BibliaLTT.org, com ou sem notas).
(Copie e distribua ampla mas gratuitamente, mantendo o nome do autor e pondo link para esta página de http://solascriptura-tt.org/ )
Retorne a solascriptuta-tt.org/DoCoracaoDeValdenira/
Somente use Bíblias traduzidas do Texto Tradicional (aquele perfeitamente preservado por Deus em ininterrupto uso por fieis): BKJ-1611 ou LTT (Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional, com notas para estudo) na bvloja.com.br. Ou ACF, da SBTB.