Eu não dou o menor valor aos assim chamados "Pais da Igreja"
porque 99% deles são de depois da fundação da Igreja Católica por Constantino
(organizou o Concílio de Nicéia em 325 d.C.) e Teodósio I (decretou a Igreja Católica
ser a única legal, em 395 d.C.), portanto são meros pais ou apoiadores das
heresias católicas. Também não dou o menor valor aos credos dos concílios, pois
todos eles, sem exceção, foram depois dessa fundação, são odiáveis concílios e
credos católicos. Só dou valor (todo valor) ao que está escrito na Palavra de
Deus, a Bíblia. Nada mais.
Mas, como muitos dos opositores do Premilenarismo veementemente negam a
existência da menor sobra dessa doutrina nos escritos daqueles
"Pais", será muito divertido mostrar que isto é enorme, deslavada
inverdade, pois mesmo aqueles hereges e pais das heresias católicas muitas
vezes reconheceram que a Bíblia ensina, sim, um milênio literal, 1000
anos literais de Cristo reinando visível, física, corporalmente, sobre toda a
terra, com todas as profecias à Israel literal cumprindo-se literalmente.
A tradução abaixo é muito sofrível, feita por
computador. Rogo que alguém com suficiente competência à corrija à mão e
me envie de volta.
Pre-MillennialismPremillennialists believe the 1000-year reign of Christ mentioned in Revelation 20:5-6 (known as the Millennium) is literal and is yet to come. Postmillennialists believe the church will create a utopia (the Millennium) and it is yet to come. Amillennialists believe the Millennium is the church age, which started 2000 years ago and continues. Since the 1000 years is mentioned only in the book of Revelation, the focus is on how Revelation should be properly interpreted. Most of the older denominations do not believe it is literal, or at least never talk about it. The Eastern Orthodox Church, for instance, teaches that the book of Revelation was added to the canon of scripture only on the condition that it would never be read in a public service. They still observe this rule today. There is no written record of this but the Muratorian Canon Fragment, (170 AD), states "We receive the Apocalypses of John and Peter only. Some of us do not wish the Apocalypse of Peter to be read in church." This may explain where the legend comes from. Some teach Premillennialism, also called Chiliasm, was condemned as heresy at the council of Constantinople in 381, however the full record of the "Tome and Anathemas" of this council no longer exists. And there seems to be no other written record of this either. Eusebius'
Ecclesiastical history, 3:39 records Papias' (140AD) testimony that John the
apostle taught him that Jesus would literally come back in the flesh and
reign for 1000 years. In Eusebius'
Ecclesiastical history (325AD) states in 7.25 the Gnostic Cerinthus started
teaching not only is the 1000 years literal but it would be for gratifying
the sensual appetites like, food, drink, sex, ect. This perverse teaching
lead some early Christians to reject the book of Revelation and others to
accept it but view the 1000 years as symbolic. Eusebius (325AD) and Augustine (597AD) taught the Millennium was not literal. But remember at the council of Nicea, instead of taking the position that Jesus was homousos or heterousos, Eusebius tried to make a compromise stating Jesus was neither, which of course did not work. This shows his tendency toward avoiding the controversy. Augustan taught what would later be called Calvinism. All the first and second century fathers taught it was a Gnostic perversion to say man is not given a choice in salvation. Several early church fathers teach the Millennial Reign of Christ would start in the year 6000 AM.
Pais do Romanismo Premilenaristas
Só use as duas Bíblias traduzidas rigorosamente por equivalência formal a partir do Textus Receptus (que é a exata impressão das palavras perfeitamente inspiradas e preservadas por Deus), dignas herdeiras das KJB-1611, Almeida-1681, etc.: a ACF-2011 (Almeida Corrigida Fiel) e a LTT (Literal do Texto Tradicional), que v. pode ler e obter em, com ou sem notas).
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Somente use Bíblias traduzidas do Texto Tradicional (aquele perfeitamente preservado por Deus em ininterrupto uso por fieis): BKJ-1611 ou LTT (Bíblia Literal do Texto Tradicional, com notas para estudo) na Ou ACF, da SBTB.