CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST NOT MAN Now, you would think this point is unnecessary for CHRISTian music. After all, CHRISTian means "a follower, believer of Jesus Christ". And if it is truly Christian music, it should testify, praise and sing about the Lord Jesus Christ. The PURPOSE of Christian music is to PRAISE the Lord.
When someone truly gets saved, God puts a NEW song in their mouth. And that song is "PRAISE unto our God" the result of salvation is PRAISE. And it's not something we work up, or "fake", or just do but it's something God "puts"! Christian music is "praise unto our God". Do you think God is a liar?
Did you read that? The DIRECT result of being saved is "A NEW SONG" even "PRAISE unto our God". REAL Christian music PRAISES the Lord! Even when the apostle Paul and Silas were thrown in jail and in stocks they sang praises to the Lord (notice: they weren't singing the blues they "sang praises unto God"). And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and SANG PRAISES unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Acts 16:22 Sadly, much of what goes by the name CHRISTian Music today is NOT CHRISTian. It does NOT testify, praise or sing about the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, a great deal of it does not even mention the Lord Jesus Christ. Much of today's Christian Music goes out it's way to avoid the name of Jesus Christ or any Christian content whatsoever. We have documented this tragedy many times in our material, but just a few examples. Amy Grant "What we're trying to do is take Christian principles and make them understandable. Even if it doesn't say Jesus, it doesn't matter. . ." (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985 p 10) Rich Mullins: "I'm really sick of all this heavy-handed Christianity. Musicians take themselves too seriously. They should have more FUN, and they should stop preaching unless that's what God has called them to. If I want to hear a sermon, I'll go to church, thank you." (CCM magazine, April, 1987, p. 12) Michael W. Smith Here's what a secular reporter in the Birmingham News wrote after watching a Michael W. Smith concert: "If you werent familiar with Michael W. Smiths standing in the world of contemporary Christian music, you might attend one of his concerts and come out none the wiser." (The Birmingham News, Feb. 12, 1993 p. 5c) Michael W. Smith's album, Change Your World, has 2819 words Jesus
occurs ZERO! There is NOTHING CHRISTian about Michael W. Smith's music! Jason Martin of Starflyer 59 "A lot of bands, the reason they get so turned off, is because you have to put the word 'Jesus' in every line. . . That's why so many bands get almost anti-Jesus in their lyrics, even though they're Christians." (HM, Mar/Apr 97 p. 21) Out of 25 Starflyer 59 songs, over 1400 words, 4 albums I could not find the word "God, the word "Lord", I found "Jesus" ONE time in "2nd Space Song" with this ridiculous line "counts the sands Jesus in your hands". Jesus in your hands? Who, that believes that Jesus Christ is God Almighty, the Lord of Lords, thinks they've got "Jesus in their hands"! The Word of God, in John 12:43, has the CCM artists "number". Just like the chief rulers in John 12, the CCMers refuse to confess and praise the Lord Jesus Christ because "they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God". "42 Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: The purpose of Christian music was NEVER meant to evangelize the lost!The book "What About Christian Rock" by Dan Peters, Steve Peters and Cher Merrill is a book praising Christian Rock. Chapter Eight (pp. 100-145) of the book, titled "Goals" is very interesting. In "Goals", through personal interview, correspondence, or quoted statements, the authors state the "quoted" goals of approximately 130 individual CCM performers. Dr. Garlock and Kurt Woetzel, in their book, Music in the Balance, give summary of these goals. Here is the chart as it appears in Music in the Balance (p. 111):
Notice in the chart: 66 stated "Evangelism" as their goal, and only 3 out of 130 artists said "praise" is one of their goals! And what's even more interesting out of 130 CCMers ONLY ONE "Used Scripture" in stating the goal of their music! WOW! And this is from a book (What About Rock) trying to justify Christian Rock! The GOAL of using Christian music as Evangelism is not the Bible GOAL of Christian music. Tim Fisher, author, musician, music professor and founder of Sacred Music Services, states in his book, "The Battle for Christian Music":
Even CCM artist, Michael Card, admits that much of CCM is NOT Christian: "The lyrics of a good number of the songs dont betray anything specifically Christian they may have some moral message, but not a lot of the big songs are identifiably Christian. . . 'What happens to the message when we start getting the music to as many people as possible?' There is an essential part of the gospel thats not ever going to sell. The gospel is good news, but it is also bad news: 'You are a sinner, and you are hopeless.' How is a multimillion-dollar record company going to take that? Thats a part of the message, too, and if thats taken outand it frequently is in Christian music it ceases to be the gospel." (Can't Buy Me Love, Christianity Today, May 20, 1996, p. 25) Martin Luther puts it bluntly "whoever does NOT want to sing and speak of it shows that he does not believe it". "We should praise God with both word and music, namely by proclaiming [the Word of God] through music. . .He who believes earnestly cannot be quiet about it. But he must gladly and willingly sing and speak about it so that others may come and hear it. And whoever does NOT want to sing and speak of it shows that he does not believe it." (Don Cusic, The Sound of Light, p. 15) Most of CCM glorifies man:And according to the Lord Jesus Christ that is Satans goal: "But he [Jesus] turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, SATAN: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of MEN." Matthew 16:23 According to the Lord Jesus Christ Satans goal is to uplift man. According to the Lord Jesus Christ Satan glorifies and uplifts man! According to the Lord Jesus Christ the following comments and quotes are satanic: dc Talk: "As teenagers shrieks filled the Dallas Convention Center moments before dc Talk took the stage Friday night, one of the relatively few grown-ups in the sold-out crowd observed, This is just like the BEATLES." Michael W. Smith "His concerts draw hundreds of thousands of fans each year, mostly teenage girls who scream out their AFFECTION FOR HIM non-stop throughout. . . . To his fans, Smith is the absolute greatest there is, BAR NONE . . ." Most CCM concerts GLORIFY and PRAISE the performer.Let's listen to the "screaming-satanic-man-worship" in a few CCM concerts:
You can hear the audience PRAISING their CCM "god". Author Josh McDowell says about CCM performer Steve Camp: "Thank God for Steve Camp. The body of Christ is enriched because we have his heart and his music. My oldest daughter thinks he hung the moon." Josh McDowell (CCM, Aug, 91, p. 15) Did you read that "My oldest daughter thinks he hung the moon"! Do you know who hung the moon? The Lord Jesus Christ hung the moon! (John 1:3) Steve Camp is in the place of the Lord Jesus Christ! Not surprisingly, the message Satan delivered Eve in the garden of Eden is ". . . ye shall be as gods. . ." (Genesis 3:5) exactly what happens at many CCM concerts. CCM artist, Michael Card, admits this glorifying of man in CCM: "Now, the industry is celebrity-driven. The song is almost irrelevant.The focus is on the PERSON, and songs have become disposable." (Can't Buy Me Ministry, Christianity Today, May 20, 1996 (p. 22) Did you know this CCM-man-worship is ABOMINATION to the Lord? Did you know, "for that which is HIGHLY ESTEEMED among men is ABOMINATION in the sight of God"? And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is ABOMINATION in the sight of God. Luke 16:15Even CCM "star" Keith Green wrote of this "CCM-man-worship" over 15 years ago! And it's gotten much, much worse since then. Here's what very-pro CCM star Keith Green wrote:
CCM musician Michael Card makes these startling words about CCM: "The direction and value system are getting worse faster than any of us can imagine." (Can't Buy Me Ministry, Christianity Today, May 20, 1996 (p. 22) Here's how CCM mag introduces it's review of Sandi Patty's, "after-adultery", album, "Artist of My Soul". Read it and weep. What is now called Christian Music is nothing but Satanic MAN-worship: "The press kit arrived today packed full of superlatives and more than 1200 square inches of plush photography. The singer looks to her right and smiles pleasantly as the breeze teases nicely coiffed blond hair. Her arms are thrown wide as she gladly embraces the moment. This is, after all, something of a comeback. AND GOD SAYS THAT IS ABOMINATION:
Christian music lifts-up and praises the Lord Jesus Christ not man. Christian music glorifies God not man. Satan's music, according to the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 16:23, glorifies and praises man such as CCM! (Matthew 16:23)
CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS FOR THE LORD NOT THE WORLDA Christian's music is sung to the Lord. It is not for the world.Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart TO THE LORD; Ephesians 5:19 Isaiah 12:2 sums it up wonderfully, ". . .for the LORD JEHOVAH is . . . MY SONG . . .": Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and MY SONG; he also is become my salvation. Isaiah 12:2 CCM artists justify their avoidance of "Jesus" and Christian lyrics by claiming they're using Christian music as a tool for reaching the lost. When used for the purpose of "talking" to the world they can justify, saying or not saying anything because after all, they're TRYING to reach the lost! But Christian music was NEVER meant for the lost world. The Bible is very clear Christian music is "sung unto the Lord" not the world! Not only that the vast majority of people purchasing CCM is Christians! It is not the lost world! Rather than reaching the lost [which is wrong in itself] CCM is "preaching" it's "watered-down, anti-Jesus, unCHRISTian, lovey-dovey, non-judgemental, cool, worldly, fleshly, feel-good" message to Christians! The purpose of Christian music was NEVER meant to evangelize the lost!God's method of reaching the lost is the preaching of the Word of God. For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of PREACHING to save them that believe. 1 Cor. 1:21 The ONLY way Christian Music can appeal to the world is make it UN-Christian which is exactly what CCM does. Most CCM artists "remove" or "redefine" the Lord Jesus Christ. They replace the Lord Jesus Christ with the pronouns; "he", "him", "you", "I", et. al. They also "redefine" the Lord Jesus Christ as a "politically-correct" "tolerant", "lovey-dovey", non-judgemental, "partying", "hip-hop", "rapping-rocker" that appeals to the world. Songs such as, dc Talks "Jesus Freak", Messiah Prophet Band's, "Master of the Metal", et al. clearly describe "another Jesus" than the Jesus Christ of the Bible. In 2 Cor. 11:4, the apostle Paul warns of "another Jesus". Just as the lost world is not interested in a "Bible-believing" church that preaches the word of God, the world is not interested in music that openly praises the Lord. The lost world is NOT going to praise the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible is CLEAR "the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God"! But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians. 2:14) Christian music is NOT for the world it is for the Lord! If it is FRIENDLY to the world then according to the Word of God it is AGAINST the Lord! ". . . know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a FRIEND of the world is the ENEMY of God." James 4:4 After Babylon captured the children of Israel, Babylon requested Israel to sing, but Israel refused to sing "the Lord's song in a strange land". Notice, it is "the Lord's song" NOT the world's song or even Israel's song. 1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Christian music is for the Lord NOT the world.
CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS A NEW SONG NOT AN OLD SONGWhen I got saved, I loved rock 'n' roll. Nothing but nothing, was more important to me than rock music!. I played rock guitar day and night! I did not have a dream or goal besides rock music. And when I got saved July, 30, 1975, at 20 years old, I had NO intention to stop listening and playing rock music. But something changed. . . I didn't know it then but "old things are passed away; behold, all things are become NEW" and that included my music! Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become NEW. 2 Corinthians 5:17 I didn't change intentionally but within six months, the ONLY music I wanted to listen to and play was real Christian Music. Music that praised my Lord and Savior! My desire and love for rock music was replaced by a NEW SONG even PRAISE unto our God! Just as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says (and God cannot LIE - Titus 1:2) "all things are become NEW" and the very FIRST thing God "makes new" is a NEW SONG! After someone trusts Jesus Christ, according to the Word of God, God gives that person a "NEW song" and notice that NEW SONG is "PRAISE unto our God". And also notice "he hath put" God did it. If someone does NOT have a NEW SONG chances are they're not even saved! All things are become NEW especially your music! 1 I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Fanny Crosby is the greatest hymn writer that ever lived, writing over 9,000 songs! Before Fanny got saved, at 45 years old, she wrote many secular songs. But after she got saved things were different. . . Here's what Fanny said about mixing Christian and worldly music: "Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world." (Danny Castle, video "What's Wrong with Christian Rock") And do you know why Fanny Crosby said that because Fanny got saved! And God "hath put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even PRAISE unto our God" inside the NEW Fanny Crosby! Fanny Crosby wrote over 9,000 songs to the Lord! Fanny used over 200 different pen names because she wanted to make sure God got the glory and not her.
How different are todays CCM performers. They copy the world's tunes. Many try to "crossover" into the worldly music world. They copy the world's looks and "hip-hop" language. They fellowship with the world. They even play the world's songs even some of the most anti-Christ, Satanic songs available! We've documented this many, many times in our material, but here's a few examples. AMY GRANT DC TALK Kurt Cobain is one of the worst ANTI-CHRIST, blasphemers since
John Lennon. Kurt Cobain decorated his home with blood-splattered baby
dolls hanging by their necks! The inside of Nirvana's album In Utero,
which is the album dcTalk got "All Apololgies" from, is pictures of
chopped up babies! Look at it. dcTalk also sings songs by the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, REM, and the Doobie Brothers! REZ BAND So you think young Jesus Christ never a lady, and you think young Mary BELIEVE IT OR NOT! The CCM group, the REZ band sings, one of "blasphemous" Jefferson Airplane's song, "Somebody to Love"! DELIVERANCE Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true Now surely, it's NOT POSSIBLE no CCM group would EVER go that far and do a song by Black Sabbath? Wrong. . . The CCM group, Deliverance, on their album "What A Joke", have a song by satanist rockers Black Sabbath "After Forever!" Here's a short list of some so-called Christian Contemporary performers who sing "worldly-secular-rock" songs.
The Bible clearly commands us to "come out from among them, and be ye separate" and to "touch not the unclean thing" CCMers not only "touch" it they "honor" them by singing their songs! Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the UNCLEAN thing; and I will receive you, 2 Cor. 6:17 Where is the CCMers "NEW SONG, even PRAISE unto our God" from Psalms 40? Why did the same God that gave me, Fanny Crosby, and millions of others a NEW SONG, not do the same for them, as He promised on Psalms 40 and 2 Cor. 5:17? Acts 10:34 says, ". . . God is no respecter of persons". And I know ONE thing GOD DOES NOT LIE! In hope of eternal life, which God, THAT CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began; Titus 1:2 CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS A NEW SONG NOT AN OLD SONG."When Christian music carries the beat, instrumentation, and exact sounds of the lost crowd, it results in confusion and shame... It is shameful to use musicians who in shallow songs daze instead of praise, who entertain instead of train... They transfer the worship owed to Christ to 'concert hopping', money-hungry entertainers who have never left, the world far enough behind to stop sounding like it..."(Shame, a tract by Dr. Hal Webb, pp. 2,4,6)
CHRISTIAN MUSIC'S MESSAGE SHOULD BE CLEAR NOT VAGUE OR DECEPTIVEThe Bible says in 1 Cor 14:15: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the UNDERSTANDING also. 1 Cor. 14:15 The message in Christian music should be clear, not vague, or unclear. Christian music should praise the Lord and the listener should clearly understand the message. The apostle Paul didn't try to "trick" anybody, he wanted to make sure he was understood: Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great PLAINNESS of speech: 2 Cor. 3:12 Paul warns against "enticing words", such as CCM does: And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with ENTICING words. Colossians 2:4 Martin Luther, the German Reformer, also avoided any worldly influence and wanted the message clear: "But I would like to avoid any new words or the language used at court. [DTTM Is that ever contrary to the CCMers who imitate the rock worlds slang and lingo; like dcTalks "Jesus Freak"] In order to be understood by the people, only the simplest and the most common words should be used for singing; at the same time, however, they should be pure and apt; and further, the sense should be CLEAR and as close as possible to the psalm." (Martin Luther, "To George Spalatin," Letters II, p. 69) Look how clear these songs praise the Lord. And literally thousands of examples could be given: "Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine" by Fanny Crosby Most of CCM music is vague, or it is sung in a "worldly-hip-hop-cool-lingo". Rather than "Jesus", they will say "he", "you", "I", etc. CCMers want to appeal to the world (to $ell records and make dollar$!) so they use "double-speak" tactics. They won't come right out and say what it means but they'll usually put in enough "double-speak" "hidden agenda" to "$ell" it to Christians. Some of their songs they'll explain on they lyric sheets what the song means because when you listen to it it's total nonsense! Here's some samples of the unclear, vague, ridiculous and nonsense messages in CCM: And we could give hundreds!
Stan Moser, former head of Word Records (the man responsible for signing Amy Grant) and CEO of Star Song Records, was one of the pioneers and most important executives in CCM. And after 26 years in CCM, in November 1995, walked away from CCM. In an article in Christianity Today, titled "We Have Created a Monster" about CCM, Mr. Moser freely admits: "But to be candid, I look at the majority of the music I hear today and think it's virtually meaningless." (Christianity Today, "We Have Created a Monster", May 20, 1996 p. 27)Let's look at "real-life" example of the CCMer's "looney-toon" attempt to justify their "lust" for fleshly rock 'n' roll (and disobedience to the Word of God). This is from Steve Miller's, funny-book, "The Contemporary Christian Music Debate" (which is NOT a debate by Miller but a book of side-stepping, ignoring truths, half-truths, "looney-toon-logic", correcting and changing of the Word of God to justify his "love" for rock 'n' roll). While Miller readily admitts to the unclear lyrics in CCM his suggestion to "clear up" the confusion should get the "kooks" award of the year! Here's Miller "looney-toon" suggestion: "Often the LACK OF CLARITY by the variables of a concert can be overcome by the foresight of the local church promoter. One way to alleviate the problem is to find out which songs will be played (through the group's home office) and play these songs (via cassette) with overheads of the words in a youth meeting several days prior to the concert." (Steve Miller, The Contemporary Christian Music Debate, p.102)What a joke! Play the tapes with lyrics on an overhead so they can UNDERSTAND what they're singing! What a mess! That's a good example of the contents of Miller's un-Biblical-funny-book and CCM's attitude in general - they go into "looney-toon" to justify their "love" of rock 'n' roll!
Christian music's message should be clear not vague, or concealed.
CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD EMPHASIS THE MESSAGE NOT THE MUSIC, NOR THE MUSICIANChristian music should give ALL the attention and praise to the Lord and NONE to the music, or the musician, or the singer. The Lord should get ALL the praise, ALL the glory, and ALL the honor. Spiritually speaking, the Christian musician should be heard but not seen the Christian musician should be hide in Christ. Christian music should emphasis and praise the Lord not the music nor the musician.Sing forth the honour of his name: make his praise glorious. Psalm 66:2 Christian musicians today are so caught up with their "music" and just the "right-sound" that the message takes a backseat. A lot of Christian music (especially with the "canned" accompaniment tapes) is a "performance" rather than a message. When that happens, the "performance" completely destroys the message by pointing all the attention to self or the music. Consequently, the musician "robs" the Lord of any praise and from a Christian perspective, it's fruitless. Sadly, many musicians (and not just limited to CCM) are like the chief rulers that the Lord Jesus addressed in John 12: For they loved the PRAISE OF MEN more than the praise of God. John 12:43 Stan Moser, former head of Word Records (the man responsible for signing Amy Grant) and CEO of Star Song Records, was one of the pioneers and most important executives in CCM. And after 26 years in CCM, in November 1995, walked away from CCM. In an article in Christianity Today, titled "We Have Created a Monster" about CCM, Mr. Moser freely admits: "But to be candid, I look at the majority of the music I hear today and think it's virtually meaningless." (Christianity Today, "We Have Created a Monster", May 20, 1996 p. 27) Mr Moser goes on to say: "There is a growing chasm between CCM and the church between what's actually happening in the real world of ministry, or even in the music ministry of the church, and what we're doing in CCM. In fact, I would probably be more inclined to call the industry "commercial Christian music," rather than "contemporary Christian music."" (Christianity Today, "We Have Created a Monster", May 20, 1996 p. 27) HM magazine says, "a lot of Christian bands do not feel it necessary to speak about God or Christ": "There are a lot of bands out now who do not feel it necessary to speak about God or Christ". (HM mag, Issue #67, p.26) Ghoti Hook (now how's that for a Christian name), says "point-blank", they, "don't mention God onstage..." and rather than get their audience interested in God, they want their audience to get "interested in them" (Satan's goal; man-worship, see Matt: 16:23): "Sometime people give us a hard time because we don't mention God onstage. . . I know that a lot of other bands and people are called to talk about God onstage a lot more than we do, and that's great, but we just feel that our calling is to get people interested in our MUSIC, interested in US . . ." (HM mag, Issue #67, pp.34-35) Christian rockers, Spudgun, says: "We don't normally say stuff about God from the stage". Jason Keely, Spudgun (HM mag, Issue #67, p. 40) Much of Christian music today is more entertainment than ministry. A lot of Christian musicians (and not limited to CCM or Christian Rock) are far more interested in impressing their audience and "flaunting" their musical talent than ministering to the Lord. You can not sing to "please men" and sing unto the Lord. It's one or the other. For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should NOT be the servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10 Christian music is not entertainment. Christian music is spiritual "food". Real Christian music admonishes [reprove mildly], while praising the Lord. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and ADMONISHING one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your HEARTS to the Lord. Colossians 3:16 Christian music is from the heart, not just the voice. Beautiful voices are a "dime a dozen". But beautiful hearts are "more priceless than gold". I can't remember the times I've watched a Christian musician, flaunt, pomp, articulate, get every note and vibrato perfect and yet God was nowhere around. And yet, I've seen several times, when the singer may not hit the right notes and yet God was all over them and it showed! A church we once attended had a man, named "J.C." Brown. "J.C.", by the world's standards "wasn't all there" but "J.C." and the Lord "was all there". When "J.C." would sing, he didn't know all the words, he wasn't musically "in tune" but he was spiritually "in tune" with the Lord. And when "J.C." sang, hearts were moved, tears would flow and you knew God was there. Why? "J.C." was "in tune" with the Lord. Christian music is not entertainment, not a talent show, not a performance or a concert but a SERIOUS ministry to the Lord.Augustine once stated: "When I am moved by the voice of him that sings more than the words sung, I confess to have sinned". (Oliver Strunk, Source Reading in Music History, Vol. I, p. 74) Dr. Frank Garlock, author of several books on Christian music, and an instructor in Christian music for over 40 years. Dr. Garlock writes in his book, Music in the Balance: "Contrary to popular opinion, sacred music is not for entertainment. Christian music is first and foremost a vehicle for praise unto the Lord." (Garlock, Frank & Woetzel, Kurt, Music in the Balance, Majesty Music, 1992 p.54) CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD EMPHASIS THE MESSAGE NOT THE MUSIC NOR THE MUSICIAN
CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS IN THE LOCAL CHURCH NOT CONCERT HALLS, NIGHT CLUBS.God's place of worship and fellowship is the local church.Praise ye the LORD. Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the CONGREGATION of saints. Psalm 149:1 While I realize there are exceptions, the primary place for Christian music, (excluding tapes, CD's and other recordings) is the church. CCM'ers justify their performing in worldly concert halls, auditoriums, et. al. as "trying to reach the lost". Of course, at the same time they charge $15 - $20, rarely mention Jesus Christ and never, never, never mention hell, judgement, sin or enough "salvation doctrine" to get anyone saved!. CCM artist, Michael Card, admits to this "separation of CCM and the church": ". . . we started with little root in the church, and now were bearing the fruit of that separation . . . Theres a big accountability gap in the industry as a result of a lack of connectedness to the church." (Christianity Today, Can't Buy Me Ministry, May 20, 1996 (p. 22) A lot of CCM performers rarely ever perform at church services. When they do perform at a church, it's a "concert-only-service" rather than a "church" service. Michael W. Smith " . . . my goal is not to speak to the church. I want to talk to the kids and address the whole peer pressure thing." Michael W. Smith (CCM June 1986, p. 18) Amy Grant Dan Harrel, Amy Grant's brother-in-law, and promoter of Amy said: "We never played many churches with Amy. That was the way everyone else had done it, and nobody had ever made it." (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985, p.10) Stan Moser, former head of Word Records (the man responsible for signing Amy Grant) and CEO of Star Song Records, was one of the pioneers and most important executives in CCM. And after 26 years involved in CCM, in November 1995 walked away CCM. In an article in Christianity Today, titled "We Have Created a Monster", about CCM Mr. Moser says: "In the beginning of the eighties, Sandi, Patti was singing Dottie Rambo songs in church concerts; toward the end of the eighties, she was singing at the Republican National Convention. We went from the church to Carnegie Hall, from the church to large, secular arenas, where Bill and Gloria Gaither would hold praise gatherings. . . Most CCM artists mainly perform at concert halls, auditoriums, some even perform at worldly night clubs. Robert Sweet, formerly of Stryper. "We always had this attitude that we didn't want to be characterized as this little religious band sold in religious bookstores and happy and content to play in a church for love offerings." (Milwaukee Journal, Aug 25, 1987 p. 11) Mark Farner, of the 70's mega-group Grand Funk Railroad, now is a born-again Christian and CCM performer. Farner plays the same bars and nighclubs as before he was saved. According to Farner, 90% of his performances are secular. "Music is a part of my ministry no matter where I go and 90 percent of that is secular," Farner said. Farner also continues to tour the nation performing in some of the same nightclubs and bars that he played as a member of Grand Funk. (Calendar Fall/Win 91 p 6) CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS IN THE LOCAL CHURCH NOT CONCERT HALLS, NIGHT CLUBS.
CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD FEED THE SPIRIT NOT THE FLESHThe Christian life is a spiritual life.A Christian is born-again of the Spirit. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3:6-7 A Christian is to walk in the Spirit: This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galatians 5:16 God is a Spirit and you "MUST worship him in spirit". God is a Spirit: and they that worship him MUST worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24 And a Christian's music should be spiritual not carnal. I will sing with the SPIRIT, and I will sing with the understanding also. 1 Cor 14:15 I've had CCMers scream many times, "The Bible doesn't give ANY guidelines for Christian music. It's all a matter of TASTE and PREFERENCE". I usually turn to Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16, and they surprisingly "eye" them for the very "first time". Apparently it's important enough to the Lord to list them twice. The Bible lists three specific types of Christian songs; psalms and hymns and SPIRITUAL songs. I certainly do NOT think CCM and rock music is a psalm, hymn or SPIRITUAL SONG! ROCK MUSIC AND CCM IS FLESHLY MUSIC! Christian music should feed the spirit NOT THE FLESH.Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and SPIRITUAL songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:19 A Christian has "crucified the FLESH". "And they that are Christ's have crucified the FLESH with the affections and lusts." Galatians 5:24 The SPIRIT and the FLESH are contrary and opposite. They are enemies. "For the FLESH lusteth against the SPIRIT, and the SPIRIT against the FLESH: and these are contrary the one to the other:. . ." Galatians 5: 16 It couldn't be clearer Christian music should feed the SPIRIT NOT THE FLESH. And Rock music (which is what CCM is) is FLESH. There is no doubt rock music is FLESH. Its CARNAL. Thats why the world "loves" rock music. The world does not love "spiritual" things But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians. 2:14) but FLESHLY, CARNAL things. And that is why the world "loves" rock music. A few "testimonies" from the world: "But rock music has one appeal only, a barbaric appeal, to sexual desire not love, not eros, but sexual desire undeveloped and untutored." (Bloom, Alan, The Closing of the American Mind, Simon & Schuster, 1987 p.73) Rock music, any rock music is FLESH! You can label it "Christian", but that doesnt change its nature its still FLESH. You can label strychnine "candy", but that doesnt make it candy its still POISON. WHAT IS ROCK MUSIC?What is the main characteristic of rock music? What makes rock different from other music? Why does rock appeal to the flesh? What is it about rock that is has "taken-over" the music world? In order to answer that question, let's examine the components of music. Music is composed of three main components; melody, harmony and rhythm. If these ingredients are not present, then it's not music, but noise. Melody: Webster's Dictionary defines melody as; 1. Sweetness of sound; music 2. The chief theme of a musical composition. 3. A tune; song (The Grosset Webster Dictionary, p. 372) Melody is the most prominent part of music. Melody is the theme of the tune. Without the melody line, there is no music. Melody is the horizontal line the notes follow on the music score. Here's a few quotes from famous musicians on melody: "Melody is the main thing; harmony is useful only to charm the ear." Joseph Haydn (Wordsworth Dictionary of Musical Quotations, p. 15) Harmony: Webster's Dictionary defines harmony as; Agreeable proportion of sound. A succession of chords. (The Grosset Webster Dictionary, p. 281) Harmony is when two or more note are played at the same time. Harmony adds depth to the melody line. Harmony is the basis for the formation of chords. Harmony is the vertical line where the notes meet on the music score. Rhythm: Our friend, Webster defines rhythm as; The pattern of tones with regard to their relative time value. (The Grosset Webster Dictionary, p. 490) Rhythm is the movement in music. Without rhythm, music would be one, long continuous sound, or an uncontrollable noise. Rhythm or the beat is the "glue" that holds everything together. The rhythm is an "unseen" but required component of the music score. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT ROCK MUSIC? Because of that, rock is unlike any other music. In other music, the melody is the main component, but in rock the rhythm or th beat literally takes over the music. "The rhythm in rock is the dominant part of the sound. The heavy emphasis on the BEAT is what distinguishes rock from every other type of music." (Frank Garlock, Music in the Balance, p. 32) And it is that BEAT that the FLESH loves!
Larry Norman, in his song, "Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music", sings about the FLESHLY and PHYSICAL response (moves my feet) of the BEAT of rock. I ain't knocking the hymns, I've talked to hundreds of young people about the satanic and filthy lyrics in secular rock and nearly every one, replies, "I don't listen to the lyrics. I don't care what the lyrics say. It's the BEAT that I get in to".
I've had hundreds of CCMers' say to me, "The Bible gives no instructions on the STYLE of music for a Christian to listen to. It's all a matter of preference and culture." I have read many articles and books by CCM advocates, that claim, the Bible gives no instructions on the type of music for a Christian to listen to. Don Butler, Gospel Music Association executive director "There is no such thing as 'gospel music'. Every style and form of music can become gospel, whether it's jazz, pop, rock 'n' roll, or rap." (IM Mar/Apr 1991 p. 27) But "what saith the Lord"? Does the Bible give us any indication to the type of music we should sing? Did the Lord God who made heaven and earth, who created music and sound, who put so much emphasis on music in His Word did He forget to tell us what is Christian music? Not hardly. Thank God He has given us instructions for our music. Thank God we can BURY "once and for all" the ridiculous LIE that "the Bible gives no instructions on the type of music for a Christian to listen to. It's all a matter of preference and culture."
The Lord God refers to music as MELODY! According to God the emphasis of Christian music is the MELODY not the BEAT! How is it, that the CCM world keeps "parroting" "the Bible gives no instructions on the type of music for a Christian to listen to. It's all a matter of preference and culture"? Is it because they can NOT read 5th grade English? Or is it they do NOT care what God says! I've shown many CCMers Ephesians 5:19, and nearly all coolly, reply, "Aw, It don't really mean that". In other words "I don't care what God says I'm gonna rock 'n' roll"! I'm reminded of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, as he described some people, much like the CCMers, who "having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?" 17 And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither UNDERSTAND? have ye your heart yet hardened? So far we've seen:
Now are you ready for this? Fasten your seat belt and hold on here comes a biggee! Most of rock music and CCM does not have ANY MELODY! According to the technical definition of music rock is NOT even music! According to the Lord God rock music is NOT music! NO MELODY = NO MUSIC!The world famous composer and conductor, Dimitri Tiomkin said of rock music: "The big beat is deliberately aimed at exciting the listener. . .There is actually very little MELODY, little sense in the lyrics, ONLY RHYTHM [beat]". (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug., 8, 1965, p. 9J) Lenny Seidel, a concert pianist and twenty-five year Christian music scholar, gives this definition of both godly music and rock music: "True godly music will be composed of three elements - all in perfect balance with each other. They are: melody, harmony, and rhythm. Rock "music" has NO MELODY only fragments of melody endlessly repeated. Since there is no true melody, there is no real harmony. There is ONLY RHYTHM. And rhythm in and of itself is not music." (Leonard J. Seidel, Face the Music Contemporary Music On Trial, pp. 46-51) In his classic book, The Understanding of Music, author Charles R. Hoffer, answers our question: How does rock differ from other popular music?: "How does rock differ from jazz and other popular music? One characteristic is its HEAVY BEAT, which led one critic to define rock as 'music in which the bass drum carries the MELODY?'" (Charles R. Hoffer, The Understanding of Music, p. 503) Popular author, Martha Bayles, writes in her eye-opening book, "Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music": ". . . popular music seems terminally hostile to any sound traditionally associated with music." (Martha Bayles, Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music, p. 4) Even the secular, satanic rockers the Rolling Stones admit rock is NOT music but NOISE! Rock music emphasizes that HARD, driving BEAT. What instrument do you hear more than any other in rock? What instrument is it that pounds out that heavy beat?"It's a NOISE we make. That's all. You could he kind and call it music." Mick Jagger, Rolling Stones (Roy Carr, The Rolling Stones - An Illustrated Record, p. 37) THE DRUMThe Bible lists many kinds of instruments: Psalms 150:3-5 says: 3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp. With all the many references to musical instruments, there is one instrument that is NEVER mentioned! The DRUM! Why is that? The drum was a very common instrument in Egypt and the lands around Israel. And yet the DRUM is NEVER mentioned in a King James Bible. Did the Lord just forget to include the DRUM or is there another reason? Is it because drums are associated with voodoo, shamanism, paganism and magic rituals? "[Drums] represents the beat of the heart and is played to summon up magic powers." (Miranda Bruce-Mitford, The Illustrated Book of Signs & Symbols, DK Publishing, 1996 p.80) Robert Palmer is a contributing editor to Rolling Stone and other rock magazines. Palmer has also taught courses in music at Yale, and many other universities. Palmer was the chief advisor for the highly acclaimed "History of Rock 'n' Roll" that aired on public television. Palmer, an advocate and lover of rock music, is among the leading authorities on rock music. Here's what Palmer says about rock and the drum: "Bata drums [drums used in voodoo], sacred to the Yoruba people of Nigeria and Cuba: Their push and pull provided a template for the inner rhythms of rock and roll." (Palmer, Robert Rock & Roll An Unruly History, Harmony Books, New York, 1995 p.46) Palmer describes how drums are used in "voodoo" possession and the same drum patterns are part of the basics of rock 'n' roll and CCM! "Bata drummers tap out their toques, or rhythm patterns, like signals to the realm of the gods, inviting and enticing them to come on down and mount or POSSESS their horses, or devotees. . .The specific drum patterns or toques include some riffs and licks basic to the rock and roll vocabulary." (Palmer, Robert Rock & Roll An Unruly History, Harmony Books, New York, 1995 p.62) Here's an episode from the occult, new-age magazine, New Age Journal, describing the "possessing" power of drums. Notice, even the devotees of the occult stay away from those drums: "I remembered a conversation I'd once had in Cuba with a reporter from The New York Times, 'Stay away from those drums,' he had told me, referring to the ones said to call down the gods in Santeria's sacred ceremonies. 'If I ever really gave in to those DRUMS, my life would change in ways I'm not prepared to take on,' he had added. I knew what he was talking about. It was all there in the drumming. Listen long enough, and some energy field, some kind of interconnectedness, became palpable. I was hungry for those drums. Yet I still ran from them." (A Shaman's Story, by Elizabeth Hanly (A Vodoun priest leads the author on a journey of understanding, New Age Journal, March/April 1997 pp.56-57) Little Richard, the self-professed "architect of rock n roll", readily admits Satans control and influence in his life and rock music: "My true belief about Rock n Roll is this: I believe this kind of music is demonic . . . A lot of the BEATS in music today are taken from voodoo, from the voodoo DRUMS." (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, p. 197) Danny Sugerman, an authority on rock music, and author of several books on rock, writes in Appetite for Destruction: "The shaman was the original 'long hair', the first rock star draped in leather, dancing possessed to a rhythm banged out on a DRUM. . . To these people, communication with the gods was synonymous with DRUMS . . .the body can become the conduit for a deity, a deity not necessarily the same sex as the worshiper, and DRUMS are the catalyst for the whole process. The trance of the RHYTHM then begets the hysteria, which begets what Westerners simplistically call 'possession'." (Danny Sugerman, Appetite for Destruction, p.208, 181) David Tame writes in The Secret Power of Music: "Today's DRUMMER differs but little from the shaman in his incessant beating out of a rhythm, and likewise often enters into a form of trance while performing." (The Secret Power of Music, David Tame, p. 199) The DRUM has always been associated with the paganism and the devil. In fact, a little more than a hundred years ago, drums were forbidden (except for the military) in America! "The arrival of African slaves has had one of the strongest influences on North American music. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, millions of African people were taken as slaves to the U.S. to work on plantations in the South. They brought many of their own traditions with them but were forbidden to play their DRUMS." (Louise Tythacott, Musical Instruments, Thomas Learning, 1995, p.19) Do you know why New Orleans is the voodoo capital of the U.S, and also the birthplace of jazz? Because drumming was forbidden in the U.S. except in New Orleans! "This was especially true in New Orleans. African-based DRUMMING, singing, and dancing, discouraged and repeatedly banned elsewhere in North America, had flourished there since the early eighteenth century. This unique heritage has informed and enlivened New Orleans music ever since, as well as distinguishing it from the rest of American musical culture, making the city an ideal incubator for a nonmainstream music as rhythmically oriented as rock and roll. (Palmer, Robert Rock & Roll An Unruly History, Harmony Books, New York, 1995 p.21) When the first blacks from Africa were converted to Christianity they knew the power and evil influence of DRUMS. And the converted blacks strictly forbid the use of drums! They referred to the drums as "the Devil's drum". (Martha Bayles, Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music, p. 138) "Historically blacks had drawn the line between particular instruments and practices; They permitted tambourines, for instance, but not DRUMS." (Martha Bayles, Hole in Our Soul: The Loss of Beauty and Meaning in American Popular Music, p. 130) One simple guideline for Christian music is NO DRUMS!CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD FEED THE SPIRIT NOT THE FLESH! CHRISTIAN MUSIC SHOULD EMPHAZIE THE MELODY NOT THE BEAT!
CHRISTIAN MUSICIANS SHOULD BE DEDICATED TO THE LORD NOT WORLDLYIt's amazing when God sought for a man after His own heart, God picked a young musician named David! When God picked His king for Israel, it was a young musician named David! And when he had removed him, he raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom also he gave testimony, and said, I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfil all my will. It's interesting to note that before David was a soldier he was
a musician! It's also very interesting that when the servants of Saul sought for a musician to play before Saul because an evil spirit from the Lord troubled him, they chose David! 14 But the spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him. Noticed in verse 18, the testimony of David: that is cunning in playing, [good musician] Christian musicians, like David, should have a clear-cut testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ! Christian musicians, like David, should be separate from the world Saul's servants KNEW David was different! Christian musicians, like David, should have this testimony "the LORD is with them"!Christian musicians like David, should be dedicated to the Lord.In the Old Testament the Levites had a special place with the Lord. They were the spiritual leaders. And do you know who God told David to choose for musicians! THE LEVITES!
God did NOT allow just anybody to be His musicians! Apparently the Lord took His music very serious! For when He choose His musicians He SPECIFICALLY choose the most dedicated and consecrated tribe in all of Israel the LEVITES! WOW! The Levites were separated for the service of the sanctuary. The priests were also chosen from the Levites. How does that compare with what is happening today! We've got people today, who are supposed to be God's musicians who have committed adultery [Sandi Patty, Michael English], arrested for child molestation [singer for Whiteheart], used drugs [Andrea Crouch, Gary Chapman], fellowshipped and singing ungodly, wicked songs [Johnny Cash, Deliverance, dcTalk, 77's, et al.] and on and on and on! And all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Boy, what a carnal, wicked mess! But that was the Old Testament. That was the children of Israel. What about the New Testament? I'm glad you asked. . . In Ephesians 5:19, the Lord mentions "singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;" Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Ephesians 5:19 Look at the verse 18, the requirement for verse 19, "be filled with the Spirit". 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Also, look at verses 20 and 21, that also qualify (see the semi-colon;) verse 19
In Colossians 3:16, the Lord has another qualification for His musicians: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16 Did you notice the requirement in Col. 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you RICHLY" A Christian musician should be a serious student of the Word of God! A Christian musician should "teach and admonish" in his songs because the Word of Christ s dwelling in him! The Christian musician should KNOW the Word of God!I have talked to literally hundreds (probably thousands) of CCM fans, some of the most popular CCM artists, some of the most popular CCM authors, many CCM pastors and I have never talked to ONE NOT EVEN ONE who knew enough Bible to ntelligently discuss Christian music! (as Paul says "I say the truth in Christ, I lie not") In order to justify Christian Rock and CCM you have to throw out the Bible! But, believe me, I've talked to many CCM fans who could quote the lyrics of their CCM rock stars! They knew the words of their rock "gods" but when it came to the Words of the Lord God they didn't KNOW and what's worse they didn't even CARE what God said! Christian musicians should be "filled with the Spirit"!Christian musicians should be "filled RICHLY with the Word of God"!The group Christian rock band Tempest were popular in the 1980's, but since have broken up. Read these words of guitarist Mikk Rowe of Temptest: "I had no business being out there in a Christian band, trying to tell others about their problems when I had so many problems in my life that I wasn't even seeking guidance for. " (HM, Issue #64, p. 40) There's a lot of Christian musicians (especially in CCM) that have no business singing and representing the Lord Jesus Christ! There's a lot of CCM artists, who have no business, being an example to young people of a "dedicated" Christian BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT! Christian musicians should be dedicated to the Lord not the world! CCM musicians copy the world's music. CCM musicians copy the world's looks and lifestyles. When asked about their blatant, worldly looks most CCMers immediately quote 1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 The worldly CCMer is quick with "for man looketh on the OUTWARD appearance, but the LORD looketh on the HEART". They think 1 Samuel 16:7 means, "see there God doesn't care what we look like God looks on the heart!" But is that what the Lord is saying in 1 Samuel 16? Look at the context of WHY the Lord said that! Notice the first part "Look not on his COUNTENANCE, or on the HEIGHT of his stature; because I have refused him:" Lord, wasn't talking about his DRESS, or his HAIR but how TALL he was! Why did the Lord say that to Samuel? Because God was about to choose His king of Israel and His "chosen one" was NOT impressive by "man of war" standards. David wasn't TALL. David was a TEENAGER. David was not even in the line-up! David was not even in the running! The Bible says about David: 11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet THE YOUNGEST, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep. And Samuel said unto Jesse, Send and fetch him: for we will not sit down till he come hither. As you can see from the context of 1 Samuel 16, God is not referring to clothes, etc. There's no doubt that God does indeed "looketh on the heart". And there's NO doubt that YOU and I can NOT "look on the heart". As 1 Samuel 16:7, says, "for MAN looketh on the outward appearance". And the Lord Jesus commands us in Matthew 5:16:
There's no doubt that God DOES indeed care how we LOOK!If God doesn't care about the way we look why did He write the following? Just to take up space in His Word? In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in MODEST APPAREL, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Apparently to the Lord there's APPAREL that is GODLY notice what the Lord said in verse 10 "which becometh women professing GODLINESS". The Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 "be not CONFORMED to this world". We're to not "conform" to this world. We're to be different. We're to act different and look different.
CCM artists openly and mockingly disobey God's "be not conformed to this world". Mylon Lefevre irreverently titled one of his albums, "Sheep in Wolves Clothing". One of the obvious copying of the rock world's appearance is the long hair on males. I've had numerous CCMers, say, "Show me in the Bible where long hair is wrong? Just give me a verse!" And when I show them 1 Corinthians 11:14: Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have LONG HAIR, it is a shame unto him? 1 Corinthians 11:14 Most of the time, the average CCMer, stares at 1 Cor. 11:14, for the first time they did NOT know it was there! Usually their next statement is, "Well Jesus had long hair!" With that I usually pull a "dirty-trick" I ask them to show me from the Bible that Jesus had long hair. End of conversation. . . When the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, and other rockers started wearing long hair, it was because of REBELLION! Here's what David Lee Roth of the secular group Van Halen (who has songs like "Running with the Devil") says his long hair "is a flag" and "anti-establishment" otherwords REBELLION: "[his long hair] It's a flag. It's Tarzan. I'll always be anti-establishment". (USA Today) Jerry Rubin, a 60's leader of rebellion says LONG HAIR is the "mark" of REBELLION: "Young kids identify short hair with authority, discipline, unhappiness, boredom, rigidity, hatred of right, and LONG HAIR with letting it go. . . Wherever we go, our HAIR tells people where we stand on Viet Nam, Wallace, campus disruption, dope. We are living TV commercials for the revolution. . . LONG HAIR is the beginning of our liberation from sexual oppression that underlies the whole military society." (Jerry Rubin, Do It)Just to show you how far the Church has gotten away from the Word of God, someone sent me the following email: "Last night I was up late watching an old episode of "I Love Lucy." In this episode Lucy wanted to get a new "Italian" haircut. This is a haircut that is similar to if not identical to the one on the heads of at least 50% of the women in most churches I have preached in (and I have preached in hundreds of churches in nearly all 50 states). In fact, the "Italian" cut that Lucy wanted was longer than the "do's" I have seen on the heads of a lot of Baptist pastor's wives.This preacher said in the email: "If Ricky Ricardo could preach I Cor. 11:14-15 on his TV show, I should hope preachers will start to do so from their pulpits.quot;Don't bet on it. . . Most Christians and PREACHERS could care less what God says when it "interferes" with their music and lifestyle. It's gotten pretty bad when television actors preach and KNOW more of the Word of God than most Christians and PREACHERS! By the way, 1 Cor 11, is just as much the Word of God as John 3:16. Long hair is also worn by shamans and demonism. A shaman is someone who invokes demon spirits and invites the demon to possess their body. "The shaman was the original 'LONG HAIR', the first rock star draped in leather, dancing POSSESSED to a rhythm banged out on a drum." (Danny Sugerman, Appetite for Destruction, p. 208) I find it very interesting also that in Revelation 9:7,8 describing the demonic creatures as: ". . .their faces were as the faces of men. And they had HAIR as the hair of women," Revelation 9:7,8 No honest person can deny that God intends for a man to have short hair and a woman long hair. Asking silly questions like, "How long is long?", just shows your rebellion to the Word of God. My answer to the "classic", "How long is long?" is simple if you've got to ask it's too long! When I got saved, I had long hair. At that time, my long hair was very important. I mean, very important! I don't believe I would have cut my hair for $1000! But after a few months of reading my Bible, fellowshipping with the Lord and other Christians I went to the barber shop and got a haircut! I mean a real haircut that I had not had in many years. It wasn't easy! But I remember coming home and looking in the mirror. I felt wonderful! I felt clean! I can honestly say, that cutting my long hair was one of the greatest victories of my Christian life! I put so much importance on my long hair. After it was cut, I realized how silly and rebellious, I was to let something, like the length of my hair, get me to disobey the Word of God. God clearly intends for a man to look like a man and a woman to look like a woman. And as we've seen (and any sane person knows) the hair length is a distinguishing characteristic of the male and female gender. A man who has womanish looks (such as a man with long hair) or characteristics is called effeminate. In 1 Cor. 6:9-10, the Lord has some very stern warning against "effeminate"! Look who the Lord groups "effeminate" with! 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, That's a pretty serious warning from the Lord God! I would NOT take that lightly! The evidence is clear CCM is not Bible-Believing, Christian music. CHRISTIAN MUSICIANS SHOULD BE DEDICATED TO THE LORD NOT WORLDLY Here's a summary of Bible guidelines for Christian Music:
Again, we encourage you to honestly compare your music to these Bible guidelines. |
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