[Um Esboço de Estudo]

By Pastor Steve Harmon Th.G., B.S., Th.M., Th.D. (1991)


Maineville Baptist Church, 57 East Foster-Maineville Road Maineville, Ohio 45039 (513) 683-6708 E-Mail

Traduzido por Valdenira, de "Roman Catholicism [A Study Outline]"

(Em cerca de setembro de 2004 o autor foi acusado de certas coisas, na justiça americana. Não sabemos se as acusações são totalmente verdadeiras, ou meias verdades distorcidas e exageradas, ou totalmente falsas. Manteremos os seus artigos de ANTES disso e que sejam teologicamente EXCELENTES, se eles não tiverem similar em qualidade por autores sem acusações, mas fazemos esta ressalva. E não publicaremos novos artigos do autor, a não ser que ele prove ser inocente das acusações. Hélio)

I. History - Constantine

A. Constantine followed the historical church period from 100 A.D. through 313 A.D. There are ten persecutions of the church by the end of this church period:

1. Nero (64 - 68) - Killed Peter and Paul.

2. Domitian (81 - 96) - Killed thousands of believers. Banished John to Patmos.

3. Trajan (98-117) - The first to pass laws against Christianity.

4. Pius (137-161) - Killed Polycarp, a disciple of John.

5. Marcus Aurelius (161-180) - Thought Christianity an absurd superstition. Beheaded Justin Martyr.

6. Severus (193-211) - Killed Origen's father.

7. Thracian (235-238) - Brutal barbarian who commanded all Christian leaders to die.

8. Decius (249-251) - Determined to exterminate Christianity.

9. Valerian (253-260) - Killed Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage.

10. Diocleatian (284-305) - Last and most severe persecution. For ten years believers were hunted in caves and forests. They were burned, thrown to wild beasts, and put to death by every torture cruelty could devise. But Diocletian's own wife and daughter accepted Christ.

B. The next historical period saw the "marrying" of the pagan religions and Christianity.

1. They were given over to many Greek idols, the two most prominent were:

a. Baccas - the god of revelry

b. Asclepius - the god of healing.

C. Rome demanded cooperation of all groups under their reign.

D. Constantine "married" paganism and the church, the world and the church.

E. Constantine was the son of a Roman emperor. He felt that he should have the throne. He amassed an army and headed for Rome.

F. Constantine needed the backing of the Christians, as well as the pagans, which he already had.

G. October 28, 312 A.D. at the Battle of Milvian Bridge on the Tiber River, he had a vision; he saw a sign in the sky, which said "In this sign conquer."

H. Constantine vowed that if the God of the Christians would help him to win this battle, he would become a Christian.

I. Constantine, carefully described the cross he saw, and had it placed on the shield of the soldiers.

J. The cross was an Egyptian "ankh" a T with a circle on top, this is the sign of the sun God, and Tammuz.

{Graphic in booklet}

K. He won the battle, took Rome, and attributed it to the sign.

L. In 313 A.D., Constantine signed the edict of toleration (no more persecution of the church). He declared himself to be the "Protector of Christianity".

M. Constantine ordered the production of 50 copies of the Holy Scriptures.

1. Eusebious produced these Bibles.

2. He used the Hexapolis. This was a parallel Bible with six versions in it. He used the most corrupt of them.

3. This is the origin of false Bibles.

4. The Siniaticus and the Vaticanus were written during this period.

a. These are often called the Septuagint.

b. The Septuagint was supposed to be a Greek translation of the Old Testament, that Jesus quoted from.

c. There are NO earlier versions of the Septuagint.

d. I do not accept that there was a Septuagint.

II. Pagan Practices Married to the Church of Rome

The Church that never changes has been in a constant state of change since is inception in the third century. Here is a partial list of added practices complete with the dates that they were started.

A. 312 A.D. Symbol of the cross (tau) for the church.

B. Cir-300 Infant baptism.

C. 300 A.D. Prayers for the dead.

D. 300 A.D. Making the sign of the cross.

E. 375 A.D. Worship of angels.

F. 375 A.D. Worship of saints.

G. 394 A.D. Mass instituted. H. 431 A.D. Worship of Mary.

H. 431 A.D. Worship of Mary.

I. 500 A.D. Priests dressing differently from laymen.

J. 526 A.D. Extreme unction (Last Rights).

K. 593 A.D. Doctrine of purgatory.

L. 600 A.D. Services conducted in Latin.

M. 600 A.D. Prayers conducted to Mary.

N. 607 A.D. Boniface the third made the first Pope.

O. 709 A.D. Kissing of the Pope's foot.

P. 786 A.D. Worshipping of images and relics.

Q. 850 A.D. Use of Holy Water.

R. 995 A.D. Canonization of dead saints (You may now pray to them).

S. 1079 A.D. Celibacy of the priesthood.

T. 1090 A.D. Rosary (prayer beads instituted).

U. 1215 A.D. Transubstantiation (The wafer becomes the literal flesh of Jesus Christ).

V. 1220 A.D. Adoration of the wafer (host).

W. 1229 A.D. Bible is forbidden to the laymen.

X. 1414 A.D. Cup forbidden to be touched during Holy Communion.

Y. 1439 A.D. Doctrine of seven Sacraments affirmed.

Z. 1508 A.D. The Ave Maria approved. (Hail to Mary).

a. 1534 A.D. Jesuit order founded.

b. 1545 A.D. Tradition granted equal authority with the Bible.

c. 1546 A.D. Apocryphal books placed in the Bible.

d. 1854 A.D. Immaculate conception of Mary.

e. 1864 A.D. Syllabus of errors proclaimed.

f. 1870 A.D. Infallibility of the Pope declared.

g. 1935 A.D. Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

h. 1965 A.D. Mary proclaimed the Mother of the Church.

III. Mother / Son Worship - Starting Before Christ

A. Nimrod

Genesis 10:8-10 yyy.

Genesis 11:1-9 yyy.

1. Semiramis, his wife, deified Nimrod after his death.

2. Semiramis gave birth to a son, sometime after his death, and said it was virgin born.

3. Tammuz was the name of her son.

4. She claimed him to be the promised seed.Genesis 3:15 yyy

5. She and Tammuz were worshipped as deity.

B. Mother and son worship spread around the world.

Jeremiah 51:7 yyy

Revelation 18:3 yyy

C. Examples of Mother and Son worship:

1. Semiramis and Tammuz. (Babylon)

2. Shingmoo [or Holy Mother] and child. (China)

3. Virgin Hertha with Child. (Ancient Germany)

4. Disa with Child. (Scandinavia)

5. Nutria with child. (Etruscans)

6. Virgo-Patitura (the Mother of God) with Child. (Druids)

7. Indrani and Child. (India)

8. Aphrodite or Ceres. (Greeks)

9. Nana. (Sumarians)

10. Venus or Fortuna with child Jupiter. (Rome)

11. Devaki and Crishna. (India)

12. Isi and Iswara. (India)

13. Cybele and Deoius. (Asia) Wife of Baal, virgin queen of heaven, fruit born without conception.

14. Ashtoreth (wife of Baal). (Philistines)(Phoenicians)

Judges 2:13 yyy

Jeremiah 44:17-19 yyy

Jeremiah 44:25 yyy

15. Isis and Horus. (Egypt)

16. Diana. (Ephesus)

Acts 19:35 yyy

D. Illustrations of Mother-Son Gods.

{Graphics in booklet}

IV. Mary Worship

A. Mary worship had no part of early Christianity.

1. "...during the first centuries of the church, no emphasis was placed on Mary whatsoever." - Encyclopedia Britanica, vol. 14, p. 309.

2. "Devotion to Our Blessed Lady in its ultimate analysis must be regarded as a practical application of the doctrine of the Communion of Saints. Seeing that this doctrine is not contained, at least explicitly, in the earlier forms of the Apostles' Creed, there is perhaps no ground for surprise if we do not meet with any clear traces of the cultus of theBlessed Virgin in the first Christians centuries," the worship of Mary beinga later development. - The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 15, p. 459.

3. Epiphanius, died 403 A.D., denounced certain ones of Trace, Arabia, and elsewhere, for worshipping Mary as a goddess and offering cakes at hershrine. She should be held in honour, he said, "but let no one adore Mary." - The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 15, p. 460.

4. It was at the Council of Ephesus (Where Diana, the Mother Goddess wasworshipped) in 431 A.D. that an official doctrine for Mary worship was adopted.

B. Mary's titles also show that this worship came from old worship of a mother goddess.

1. Madonna; is the translation of one of the titles by which the Babylonian goddess was known.

2. My Lady; translation of Baalti, the wife of Baal.

3. The Lady of the Sea; after the Phoenician mother goddess.

4. The Mediatrix; as a mediator, Mylitta, a title for mother goddess. The Bible states that only Jesus is the mediator.

1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

5. The Queen of Heaven; Ashtoreth was called this in the scripture.

6. The Mother of God; Isis was called this, the theologians of Alexander, Egypt put this on Mary. Mary is the mother of only the physical body and human nature of Jesus, not His deity.

IV. Jezebel, Dan, Catholic Church Revelation 2:18-29

A. Jezebel - Like the others is a class of people rather than a particular person.

1. Nicolaitanes - Meaning: to conquer the laity.

Revelation 2:6 yyy

2. Antipas - Meaning: Against the Papacy or Fatherdom.

Revelation 2:13 yyy

3. Doctrine of Balaam - The intermarriage of false gods.

Revelation 2:14 yyy.

B. As a Class of people who is Jezebel Dan?

1. Dan is called a serpent, so is Satan.

Genesis 49:17 yyy

Genesis 3:1-4 yyy

Genesis 3:13-15 yyy.

2. Dan is called a Lion, Satan is called a lion.

Deuteronomy 33:22 yyy

1 Peter 5:8 yyy:

3. Dan gets a young man to be a priest for his whole tribe, this is against the Levitical law.

Judges 18:1-6

Judges 18:15-19 yyy

4. This priest is called father.

Judges 17:10 yyy

Judges 18:19 yyy

Matthew 23:9 yyy.

5. This priest takes care of idols which are used as an aid to worship.

Judges 18:20 yyy

6. Dan settles up near Zidon and Tyre on the Phoenician coast.

Judges 18:28 yyy

7. Dan is in total apostasy for nearly 1000 years, mixing with the natives of the people.

Judges 18:30-31

8. The Canaanites settled this part of the country. They were involved in Baal worship.

Genesis 10:19 yyy.

9. King Ahab takes over, marries the daughter of the king of the Zidonians, and serves Baal, the Phoenician god. His wife's' name: Jezebel.

1 Kings 16:29-33

10. Baal worship is conducted from 6 in the morning until noon.

1 Kings 18:26 yyy

11. They worshipped the fire and the sun on the sun god's day: Sunday.

1 Kings 18:24-25 yyy

12. These priests mutilate their bodies to get what they want from God.

1 Kings 18:28 yyy.

a. Though it is practiced today to gain favor with God, and get forgiveness for sins, it was ridiculed in the early church. - Athenagoras' "Legito pro Christ"; Wertzburg, 1777. Section 14, page 134.

b. On Good Friday; in Rome, Madrid, and other holy cities; thousands flock to see the flagellants beat themselves until their blood flows from their body. -Herds' "Rites and Ceremonies." Page 175.

c. The honoring of Christ's death by self beating until the blood flowed was practiced by the followers of Osiris on the anniversary of his death. - Hurd's "Rome in the 19th Century", Volume 3, page 251.

13. These priests wear long robes called vestments. Consequently, they have vestries and vestry men for their vestments.

2 Kings 10:22

Mark 12:38-40

14. These Baal worshippers cut down a tree and decked it with gold, on their god's birthday; December 25.

Jeremiah 10:1-5

a. December 25th, was celebrated as the birthday of the sun god. Because at this time the days began to get longer. Winter solstice.

b. "On the 24th of the tenth month [December] the Arabians celebrated the birthday of the lord [the Moon god]." - Stanley's History of Philosophy; London, 1687.

c. The ancient Saxon's celebrated the birth of any lord of the Hosts of Heaven on this day.

d. December 25 was the "celebration of the victory of the unconquered Sun".- Gieseler's Ecclesiastical History; Edinburgh, 1846.

e. Trees as gods and in worship:

1). Egypt- Tree was a palm tree - Baal-Tamar.

2). Rome- Tree was a fir tree - Baal-Berith.

3). Greece- Adonis' mother was turned into a tree.

f. Yule log is burned on Christmas Eve and a Christmas tree appears the next morning. The tree represents Zero-Ashta (god).

g. Yule log also represents the dead stock of Nimrod, cut down by his enemies, but is reborn the next morning to shine again. Represented by a tree carrying lighted candles.

15. They baked cakes to offer to their female deity who they called "the queen of heaven" 1000 years before the birth of Christ.

Jeremiah 44:17-19 yyy

Jeremiah 44:25 yyy

C. Dan and Ephraim removed from being tribes.

1. Dan is last mentioned in Amos.

a. He is never mentioned in the New Testament.

b. He is cursed to never be brought back up again.

c. Dan in not one of the Tribes at the coming of the Lord for this reason.

d. Amos 8:14

2. Ephraim is cut off.

a. Ephraim is cut off, the Bow is filled with him. Zechariah 9:9-13.

b. Joseph is raised up to replace Ephraim.Zechariah 10:6-7.

c. Ephraim is mentioned once in the New Testament, but this is not a reference to the man, nor the tribe; but to a city by that name. John 11:54.

D. Charting the Twelve Tribes of Israel from Jacob through the Tribulation.

1. The Twelve Tribes of Israel are Blessed by Jacob their father. – Genesis 49:1-28.

a. Reuben v. 3

b. Simeon v. 5

c. Levi v. 5

d. Judah v. 8

e. Zebulun v. 13

f. Issachar v. 14

g. Dan v. 16

h. Gad v. 19

i. Asher v. 20

j. Naphtali v. 21

k. Joseph v. 22

l. Benjamin v. 27

2. The Twelve Tribes of Israel are Blessed by Moses their leader. -

Deuteronomy 33:6-25.

a. Reuben v. 6

b. Simeon Not Mentioned?

c. Levi v. 8

d. Judah v. 7

e. Zebulun v. 18

f. Issachar v. 18

g. Dan v. 22

h. Gad v. 20

i. Asher v. 24

j. Naphtali v. 23

k. Joseph v. 13

l. Benjamin v. 12

m. Ephraim v. 17 (Son of Joseph)

n. Manasseh v. 17 (Son of Joseph)

3. The Twelve tribes of Israel are divided according to their portion of land, as reported by Ezekiel the Prophet. - Ezekiel 48:1-27.

a. Reuben v. 6

b. Simeon v. 25

c. Levi v. 10-22 (No Portion)

d. Judah v. 7

e. Zebulun v. 26

f. Issachar v. 25

g. Dan v. 1

h. Gad v. 27

i. Asher v. 2

j. Naphtali v. 3

k. Joseph (No Portion)

l. Benjamin v. 22

m. Ephraim v. 5 (Son of Joseph)

n. Manasseh v. 4 (Son of Joseph)

4. The Twelve thousand of each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel sealed by God, in the Tribulation. - Revelation 7:4-8.

a. Reuben v. 5

b. Simeon v. 7

c. Levi v. 7

d. Judah v. 5

e. Zebulun v. 8

f. Issachar v. 7

g. Dan (No Longer a Tribe)

h. Gad v. 5

i. Asher v. 6

j. Naphtali v. 6

k. Joseph v. 8

l. Benjamin v. 8

m. Ephraim (No Longer a Tribe) (Son of Joseph)

n. Manasseh v. 6 (Son of Joseph)

V. Doctrine

A. Baptismal Regeneration.

1. "Absolute necessity for salvation ... regenerates us by a new spiritual birth, making us children of God." - Hayes, Bishop; "Sincere Christian" Doublin, Ireland, 1783. pp. 363, 356.

2. Two exceptions to this rule:

a. An infidel, converted in a heathen land, where it is impossible to get baptism.

b. A martyr, who is baptized in his own blood.

3. Without baptism even an infant cannot enter into heaven. "Before the gates (of hell) the cries of babes newborn, when fate had from their tender mothers torn (before baptism)." - Dryden, "Virgil", London, 1709. Volume 2, pages 427-429.

4. Baptism is for a person only after believing on the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour.

Acts 16:30-33 yyy.

Acts 8:36-38 yyy.

5. Method of Baptism: Sprinkling vs Immersion.

a. The practice of the Catholic church is to sprinkle babies and new converts into the church.

b. "The most ancient form usually employed was unquestionably immersion. This is not only evident from the writings of the fathers and early rituals of both Latin and Oriental churches, but, it can also be gathered from the Epistles of St. Paul.... In the Latin church, immersion seems to have prevailed until the twelfth century.... Infusion and aspersion, however, were growing common in the thirteenth century and gradually prevailed in the western church." - The Catholic Encyclopedia Volume 2, page 261:

c. Jesus was immersed. Mark 1:9-10 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

6. Baptism before John the Baptist, or Christ.

a. "In certain sacred rites of the heathen (worship of Isis and Mithra) the mode of initiation is by Baptism." - Tertullian, "De Baptismo", Volume 1, page 1204-1205.

b. Baptism into the religions of ancient times was a rough and formidable process, "if he survived, was then admitted to the knowledge of the mysteries." - Gregorii Nazianzen: "Eliae Comment", Orat. 4, page 245.

c. The worshipers of Odin, are known to have practiced baptismal rites, which, taken in connection with their avowed object in practicing them, show that, originally, at least, they must have believed that the natural guilt and corruption of their newborn children could be washed away by sprinkling them with water, or by plunging them, as soon as born, into lakes or rivers." - Mallet, "Antiquities", (On Anglo-Saxon Baptism). Volume 1, Page 335.

d. When Cortez arrived in Mexico, the natives were already baptizing infants to Chalchivitlycue (the goddess of water). - Prescott, "Mexico", Volume 3, pages 339-340.

B. Justification by Works.

1. Necessary for Salvation.

a. St. Michael the Archangel, has a scale to balance good and bad works upon. This determines your suitability for admittance into heaven. -MacGavin, "Protestant", Page 841, Column 2.

b. "But He (God) absolutely demands that, by penitential works, we punish ourselves for our shocking ingratitude, and satisfy the divine justice for the abuse of His mercy." - Hayes, "Sincere Christian", Vol. 1, page 270.

2. What does the scripture say about our righteousness, of good works.

Isaiah 64:6 yyy.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Galatians 2:21 yyy.

3. Cannot be certain if you have obtained this justification: "That no man can know with infallible assurance of faith that he HAS OBTAINED the grace of God." - Sharpi, "History of the Council of Trent", Vol. 1, page 353.

4. The Scripture says you can know for sure!

1 John 5:13 yyy.

5. Most ancient and recent religions teach that salvation is obtained in part or whole by works.

6. Martin Luther, upon discovering salvation without works said that he was " free as a flower of the field." - Edinburgh Review, January, 1893.

C. Extreme Unction.

1. James 5:14 yyy

2. To anoint the person dying in the name of the Lord, after they have been shriven and absolved, and thus to prepare them for their last journey.

3. The doctrine was not known in the church for the first one thousand years. - Gibson, Bishop. "Preservative Against Popery". London, 1848, Volume 8, P. 255.

4. Anointing with oil in preparation for death, before Christ.

a. Babylonian god Beelsamen or Lord of Oil.

b. Babylonian king Xerxes.

c. Roman God Saturn.

d. Indian sages, Apollonius and his companion were rubbed with an oil so powerful that they felt as if bathed with fire.

5. To be healed?

James 5:14-15 yyy

D. Saints, worshipped and prayed to.

1. Catholic teaching regarding prayers for the dead is bound up inseparably with the doctrine ... of the communion of the saints ... Prayers to the saints and martyrs collectively, or to some one of the in particular, these are recommended. - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4, Page 653-655.

2. Council of Trent: "...the saints who reign together with Christ offer up their own prayers to God for man. It is good and useful suppliantly to invoke them, and to have recourse to their prayers, aid, and help for obtaining benefits from God." - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8, Page 70.

3. "The chief objections raised against the intercession and invocation of the saints are that these doctrines are opposed to the faith and trust which we should have in God alone ... and that they cannot be proved from scriptures." - The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8, Page 70.

4. Saints and what they are patron saints of:

a.  Actors                      St. Genesius            August 25

b.  Architects                  St. Thomas              December 21

c.  Astronomers                 St. Cominic             August 4

d.  Athletes                    St. Sebastian           January 20

e.  Bakers                      St. Elizabeth           November 19

f.  Bankers                     St. Matthew             September 21

g.  Beggars                     St. Alexius             July 17

h.  Book Sellers                St. John of God         March 8

i.  Bricklayers                 St. Steven              December 26

j.  Builders                    St. Vincent Ferrer      April 5

k.  Butchers                    St. Hadrian             September 28

l.  Cab Driver                  St. Fiarce              August 30

m.  Candle-makers               St. Bernard             August 20

n.  Comedians                   St. Vitus               June 15

o.  Cooks                       St. Martha              July 29

p.  Dentists                    St. Apollonia           February 9

q.  Doctors                     St. Luke                October 18

r.  Editors                     St. John Bosco          January 31

s.  Fishermen                   St. Andrew              November 30

t.  Florists                    St. Dorothy             February 6

u.  Hat Makers                  St. James               May 11

v.  Housekeepers                St. Anne                July 26

w.  Hunters                     St. Hubert              November 3

x.  Laborers                    St. James/Greater       July 25

y.  Lawyers                     St. Ives                May 19

z.  Librarians                  St. Jerome              September 30

a.  Merchants                   St. Francis/Assisi      October 4

b.  Miners                      St. Barbara             December 4

c.  Musicians                   St. Cecilia             November 22

d.  Notaries                    St. Mark/Evangelist     April 25

e.  Nurses                      St. Catherine           April 30

f.  Painter                     St. Luke                October 18

g.  Pharmacists                 St. Gemma Galgani       April 11

h.  Plasterers                  St. Bartholomew         August 24

i.  Printers                    St. John of God         March 8

j.  Sailors                     St. Brendan             May 16

k.  Scientists                  St. Albert              November 15

l.  Singers                     St. Gregory             March 12

m.  Steel Workers               St. Eliguis             December 1

n.  Students                    St. Thomas Aquinas      March 7

o.  Surgeons                    St. Cosmas/Damian       September 27

p.  Tailors                     St. Boniface/Credtion   June 5

q.  Tax Collectors              St. Matthew             September 21

r.  Barren Women                St. Anthony

s.  Beer Drinkers               St. Nicholas

t.  Children                    St. Dominic

u.  Domestic Animals            St. Anthony

v.  Emigrants                   St. Francis

w.  Family Troubles             St. Eustachius

x.  Fire                        St. Lawrence

y.  Floods                      St. Columbian

z.  Lightning Storms            St. Barbara

a.  Lovers                      St. Raphael

b.  Old Maids                   St. Andrew

c.  Poor                        St. Lawrence

d.  Pregnant Women              St. Gerard

e.  Television                  St. Claire

f.  Apprehend Thieves           St. Gervase

g.  Have Children               St. Felicitas

h.  Obtain a husband            St. Joseph

i.  Obtain a wife               St. Anne

j.  To find lost articles       St. Anthony

k.  Arthritis                   St. James

l.  Bite of dogs                St. Hubert

m.  Bite of snakes              St. Hilary

n.  Blindness                   St. Raphael

o.  Cancer                      St. Peregrine

p.  Cramps                      St. Murice

q.  Deafness                    St. Cadoc

r.  Disease of Breast           St. Agatha

s.  Disease of Eyes             St. Lucy

t.  Disease of Throat           St. Blase

u.  Epilepsy, Nerves            St. Vitus

v.  Fever                       St. George

w.  Foot Diseases               St. Victor

x.  Gall Stones                 St. Liberius

y.  Gout                        St. Andrew

z.  Headaches                   St. Dennis

a.  Heart Trouble               St. John of God

b.  Insanity                    St. Dympna

c.  Skin Disease                St. Roch

d.  Sterility                   St. Giles

E. Mass - Communion for Salvation.

1. "In the Celebration of the Holy Mass, the bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ. It is called Transubstantiation, for in the Sacrament of the Eucharist the substance of bread and wine do not remain, but the entire substance of the bread is changed into the body of Christ, and the entire substance of the wine is changed into his blood. The species or outward semblance of bread and wine alone remaining." -The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4, page 227.

2. When the priest blesses the bread and wine he says in Latin, "Hocest corpus menus" (Hocus Pocus). - Durant, The Reformation, P. 749.

3. Council of Trent:

a. Necessary for Salvation.

b. Not only do the elements of the Mass contain flesh, bones, and nerves as part of Christ, but also a whole Christ. - Encyclopedia of Religions, Volume 2, P. 77.

4. The Scripture - a memorial.

1 Corinthians 11:23-30 yyy

5. "A ROMAN MIRACLE" (From: Babylon Mystery Religion by Ralph Woodrow, page 125.):

A Pretty maid, a Protestant, was to a Catholic wed;

To love all Bible truths and tales, quite early she'd been bred.

It sorely grieved her husband's heart that she would not comply,

And join the Mother Church of Rome and heretics deny.

So day by day he flattered her, but still she saw no good

Would ever come from bowing down to idols made of wood.

The Mass, the host, the miracles, were made but to deceive;

And transubstantiation, too, she'd never dare believe.

He went to see his clergyman and told him his sad tale.

"My wife is an unbeliever, sir; you can perhaps prevail;

For all your Romish miracles my wife has strong aversion,

To really work a miracle may lead to her conversion."

The priest went with the gentleman - he thought to gain a prize.

He said, "I will convert her, sir, and open both her eyes."

So when they cam into the house, the husband loudly cried,

"The priest has come to dine with us!" "He's welcome," she replied.

And when, at last, the meal was o'er, the priest at once began,

To teach his hostess all about the sinful state of man;

The greatness of our Savior's love, which Christian's can't deny,

To give Himself a sacrifice and for our sins to die.

"I will return tomorrow, lass, prepare some bread and wine;

The sacramental miracle will stop your soul's decline."

"I'll bake the bread," the lady said. "You may," he did reply,

"And when you've seen this miracle, convinced you'll be, say I."

The priest did come accordingly, the bread and wine did bless.

The lady asked, "Sir, is it changed?" The priest answered, "Yes,

It's changed from common bread and wine to truly flesh and blood;

Begorra, lass, this power of mine has changed it into God!"

So having blessed the bread and wine, to eat they did prepare.

The lady said unto the priest, "I warn you to take care,

For half an ounce of arsenic was mixed right in the batter,

But since you have it nature changed, it cannot really matter."

The priest was struck real dumb - he looked as pale as death.

The bread and wine fell from his hands and he did gasp for breath.

"Bring me my horse!" the priest cried, "This is a cursed home!"

The lady replied, "Begone; tis you who shares the curse of Rome."

The husband, too, he sat surprised, and not a word did say.

At length he spoke, "My dear," said he, "the priest has run away;

To gulp such mummery and tripe, I'm not for sure, quite able;

I'll go with you and we'll renounce this Roman Catholic fable."

- Author Unknown


Bibliography (The Books noted by a "*" are recommended reading).

Athenagoras. "Legito Pro Christ"; Wertzburg, 1777.

Catholic Encyclopedia

Dryden. "Virgil"; London, 1709.

Durant. "The Reformation".

Encyclopedia Britanica

Gibson, Bishop. "Preservative Against Popery", London, 1848.

Gieseler. "Ecclesiastical History"; Edinburgh, 1846.

Hayes, Bishop. "Sincere Christian"; Doublin, Ireland, 1783.

* Hislop, Alexander. "The Two Babylons"; Loizeaux Brothers: Neptune, New

Jersey, 1959.

Hurd. "Rome in the 19th Century"

Luther, Martin. "Edinburgh Review", January, 1893.

MacGavin. "Protestant".

Mallet. "Antiquities".

* Martin, Walter. "The Kingdom of the Cults"; Bethany Fellowship, Inc.:

Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1977.

Milner, Vincent L. "Religious Denominations of the World"; Bradley,

Garretson & Co.: Philadelphia, Pa., 1875.

Nazianzen, Gregorii. "Eliae Comment".

Prescott. "Mexico".

* Rice, John R. False Doctrines - Answered from the Scriptures"; Sword of the Lord: Murfreesboro, TN., 1970.

* Rockwood, Perry F. "Romanism and the Bible"; Peoples Gospel Hour: Halifax, NS., Canada.

* Ruckman, Peter S. "The Book Of Revelation"; Pensacola Bible Press: Pensacola, Florida, 1970.

Sharpi. "History of the Council of Trent".

Stanley. "History of Philosophy"; London, 1687.

Tertullian. "De Baptismo".

* Woodrow, Ralph. "Babylon Mystery Religion"; Riverside, Ca., 1981.


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