A Estrada de Gaza

Atos 8:26-40

Introduction:  When I started out in evangelism, great men encouraged me not to move back to my home town because of its size. But, when we came home in 1975, and continued to travel from church to church, I found that the road systems of I-26, I-85 and I-40, were all to my advantage.  To the obedient,  the Gaza Road is such a road.

What is so divine about this road?

I. The Divine Steps Of The Gaza Road (8:26,27)
*Here, the steps of His people are "ordered of the Lord."
A. Definite steps- specific details v.26
B. Distant steps- in the desert v.26
C. Different steps- different place/people/possibilities v.27 cf. v.25

II. The Divine System Of The Gaza Road(8:27-33)
*God brings things/people together on this road!
A. In relationship to the sinner- v.27,28
B. In relationship to the servant- v.29-31
C. In relationship to the Scriptures- v. 32-35

III. The Divine Success Of The Gaza Road (8:35-40)
*This is not a man-made road; thus, traveling it is not in vain!
A. God the Son is heralded- v.35-38/Christ and His claims
B. God the Spirit is honored- v.39/ Oh, to be caught up now!
C. God the Father is hallowed- v.40/ His purposes go forward!

Modern Gaza, or the Gaza Strip, as it is know, today, has many nice roads that accomodate its many occupants.  The modern area also has its own airport for the convenience of it's people and the Palestine Liberation leaders.  However, without all the modern advantages, the Lord accomplished His divine purpose on the desert trail.   May we commit our desert assignments to Him and His providence! He knows best!

Sermon From Evangelist Tom Hayes
Saluda, NC

(retorne a http://solascriptura-tt.org/Sermoes/
retorne a http://solascriptura-tt.org/)

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